The Arkansas Groundwater and Reservoir Association (AGRA) is a 501-c12 Not-for-Profit corporation which seeks to develop, manage, and conserve the water resources of the Arkansas River basin, for the purposes of providing augmentation water to replace out-of-priority depletions made to the Arkansas River by well pumping.

AGRA was formed in 2021 from a merger by two older well augmentation associations. Colorado Water Protective and Development Association (CWPDA) and Arkansas Groundwater Users' Association (AGUA) merged to form AGRA with the intent of providing members of each association with a more streamlined and efficient organization, that could better serve member interests and provide greater capacity to secure and provide replacement water.

AGRA currently provides replacement water to over 68,000 irrigated acres and provides municipal drinking water to over 10,000 residents of the Lower Arkansas River Valley. AGRA currently owns and is developing three gravel pit storage reservoirs, operates and manages the Excelsior Ditch, and operates multiple recharge structures for the purposes of replacing well depletions.